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Saranaloka Foundation supports a small community of Theravada Buddhist nuns living at Aloka Vihara in the Sierra Foothills. They are developing a rural monastery where women can live and train as nuns and where the lay community can practice. Events include weekly meal offerings, evening chaniting and silent meditation, daylong and residential retreats.
East Bay Meditation Center (Oakland)
The East Bay Meditation Center (EBMC) is an independent center located in downtown Oakland. They offer meditation training and spiritual teachings from Buddhist and other wisdom traditions, with attention to social action, multiculturalism, and the diverse populations of the East Bay and beyond.
Insight Meditation Center (Redwood City)
The Insight Meditation Center (IMC) is a community-based urban meditation center for the practice of Vipassana or Insight meditation guided by Gil Fronsdal and Andrea Fella. IMC offers a broad range of practice and community activities including a weekly schedule of meditation sessions, dharma talks (talks on Buddhist teaching and practice), classes, group discussions, yoga practice and a variety of meditation and study retreats.
Insight Meditation Central Valley
Insight Meditation Central Valley is located in Modesto CA. Lori Wong is the founding teacher and has been practicing Insight Meditation since 2003 under the guidance of Gil Fronsdal. They offer evening meditation and daylong events throughout the year.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
The Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley promotes Buddhist teachings and meditation practices primarily from the Theravadan tradition. They do this in a spirit of community with members helping each other to develop and embody the qualities of clarity and kindness that are central to the teachings.
Insight Meditation South Bay (Menlo Park)
Insight Meditation South Bay offers meditation instruction, guidance, and support for contemplative practices that develop clarity, joy, and inner peace in the midst of everyday living. IMSB’s practices are firmly grounded in the three pillars of Buddhist training—virtue, mental clarity, and wisdom.
Insight Santa Cruz offers a variety of classes and practice opportunities that help cultivate wisdom and compassion inspired from the Theravada Buddhist Tradition. The teachers provide guidance, support, and inspiration to help practitioners develop integrity steadiness of mind and insight into the causes of suffering and the path to freedom.
Sacramento Insight Meditation serves as a learning, training, and community center for the development, integration, and skillful use of meditation practices and awareness in all aspects of individual, family, educational, institutional, work, and community life.
The mission of SF Insight is to encourage the awakening of wisdom and compassion in all aspects of life, through the practice of mindfulness, the study of the Buddha’s teachings, and the cultivation of a supportive community of practitioners where all can take refuge in the three jewels of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. People of all ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identities are welcome.
The purpose of San Francisco Zen Center is to make accessible and embody the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha as expressed in the Soto Zen tradition established by Dogen Zenji in 13th-century Japan and conveyed to us by Suzuki Roshi and other Buddhist teachers. Their practice flows from the insight that all beings are Buddha, and that sitting in meditation is itself the realization of Buddha nature, or enlightenment.
The San Jose Insight Meditation Sangha is a gathering of individuals who meet in order to learn, support and deepen their mindfulness practice. The Sangha welcomes anyone interested in pursuing this path.