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Wonderful recordings of chanting and Dharma Talks from a Buddhist community in Redwood Valley, California, in the tradition of Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Sumedho & Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
This site is an archive of Dharma talks given by Gil Fronsdal and various guest speakers at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA, since 2000. The archive contains hundreds of talks on all aspects of the Buddha’s teachings.
This is a collection of Audio Dharma talks by Buddhist teachers of various traditions. These talks are offered by the Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, a meditation community serving both lay and monastic practitioners, located in Northern Rivers of New South Wales, Australia.
Dharma Seed is dedicated to preserving and sharing the spoken teachings of contemporary Buddhism by recording talks and meditation instructions given at retreat centers and making these audio materials available to all. Audio downloads and podcasts are free. Tapes and CDs are available inexpensively via mail order.
Dharma talks given by Teacher Emeritus, Robert K Hall M.D. from Todos Santos, BCS – Mexico. Robert is a psychiatrist and a lay Buddhist priest. Once a student of Fritz Perls and Ida Rolf, he has been a pioneer in the integration of Gestalt psychology, bodywork, and meditation for many years.
Insight Meditation Society Retreat Talks
Talks given by teachers at Insight Meditation Society (IMS) to students on Retreats. Talks on the practice of meditation are a vital aspect of the IMS retreat experience and help to bring alive the Buddha’s teachings of freedom.