Meditation & Reflection with Lori Stelling
April 1 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

This Tuesday evening sangha will be led by Lori Stelling. Lori has practiced Insight Meditation since 2002 and serves as a local teacher and Board member for NVIM. She has received mentoring from vipassana teachers since 2007, is a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher through UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and has engaged in on-going Buddhist Studies through Aloka Vihara, Sacred Mountain Sangha, Dharmagiri, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and others, for two decades. Lori is a certified life coach, with advanced Enneagram training, offering life coaching for women, and community meditation classes for adults of all ages.
COVID Recommendations For Gathering Safely
(recommended by https://covid19.ca.gov “Current Safety Measures”):
- If you have recently been exposed to COVID, it is recommended that you wear a mask indoors through day 10.
- If you test positive for COVID without symptoms, please do not attend sangha for at least 5 full days and wear a mask indoors through day 10.
- If you test positive for COVID and have symptoms, please do not attend sangha for at least 5 full days; and then do not return until your symptoms are mild, improving, and you are fever-free for at least 24 hours. Wear a mask indoors through Day 10.