Meditation & Reflection with Forrest Hill
April 15 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The evening will be led by Forrest Hill. Forrest has been practicing Insight Meditation since 2004 and is a founding member of Napa Valley Insight Meditation. He is a graduate of the the 2 year Community Dharma Leaders Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.
COVID Recommendations For Gathering Safely
(recommended by https://covid19.ca.gov “Current Safety Measures”):
- If you have recently been exposed to COVID, it is recommended that you wear a mask indoors through day 10.
- If you test positive for COVID without symptoms, please do not attend sangha for at least 5 full days and wear a mask indoors through day 10.
- If you test positive for COVID and have symptoms, please do not attend sangha for at least 5 full days; and then do not return until your symptoms are mild, improving, and you are fever-free for at least 24 hours. Wear a mask indoors through Day 10.