Dear Napa Valley Insight Meditation Community,
Following last week’s visit from Nina Wise and exploration of the benefits of the moments in which our eyes are opened to the truth of change, I’ve found myself reflecting upon and touching into an intimate aspect of our practice—Intention. More specifically– What is my deepest intention? Or, said another way, what is my deepest motivation? What brings me to practice?
The answer to this deep inquiry may be unique for each of us. Yet, my sense is that we may all meet within the quality of sincerity, of earnestness, of inner knowing of what is true for us, and in our intention to see life exactly as it is and receive it with compassion.
This week I invite you to explore one or more of the above inquiries for yourself, holding them as open questions with no “right” answer, with no expectation. Just see what comes or doesn’t come. You may wish to explore this as a once-a-day 5-minute inner repeating question or you may wish to just hold this inquiry gently in your consciousness throughout the day. Or, perhaps, reflecting in writing may feel best. Whatever your pathway, I invite you to notice where you experience your intention in your body. What is the felt sense of your deepest intention? Does your direct experience of your deepest intention impact your motivation to practice? If yes, where do you experience that yes in your body/heart/mind?
If it is helpful to you, the following handout will be shared Tuesday evening with excerpts about practice from meditation teachers Gil Fronsdal and Pema Chodron. You may download a copy here: http://freepdfhosting.
As always, I invite you to bring your discoveries with you on Tuesday to share with the group or hold quietly in your own heart.
Looking forward to our time together,
~ Lori
Napa Valley Insight Meditation
On-Going NVIM Events & Information:
Guest Teacher Shahara Godfrey, Tuesday, Sept 8th: NVIM will host a talk by Buddhist teacher, humanitarian, artist and meditation instructor Shahara Godfrey. Trained in the Theravada Buddhist tradition for over 20 years, Dr. Godfrey has also been influenced by spiritual teachers from various cultures and traditions as well as the creative arts. She is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Community Dharma Leadership Program, the Path of Engagement Program and holds a PhD in humanities with a focus on transformative learning and change from the California Institute of Integral Studies. A self-taught mixed-media artist, she has exhibited in the Bay Area, Oregon, Washington, Atlanta and Los Angeles.
Thursday Morning Silent Meditation: For those interested in supporting their daily practice, we invite you to join NVIM on Thursday mornings for silent meditation. This 30-minute meditation will begin promptly at 9:00am and is a wonderful opportunity to nurture your practice in an intimate and supportive setting.
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